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10 years ago
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.Consumer</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.IConsumerTokenManager">
  8. <summary>
  9. A token manager for use by a web site in its role as a consumer of
  10. an individual ServiceProvider.
  11. </summary>
  12. </member>
  13. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.IConsumerTokenManager.ConsumerKey">
  14. <summary>
  15. Gets the consumer key.
  16. </summary>
  17. <value>The consumer key.</value>
  18. </member>
  19. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.IConsumerTokenManager.ConsumerSecret">
  20. <summary>
  21. Gets the consumer secret.
  22. </summary>
  23. <value>The consumer secret.</value>
  24. </member>
  25. <member name="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerChannel">
  26. <summary>
  27. The messaging channel for OAuth 1.0(a) Consumers.
  28. </summary>
  29. </member>
  30. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerChannel.#ctor(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.ITamperProtectionChannelBindingElement,DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.Bindings.INonceStore,DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.IConsumerTokenManager,DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerSecuritySettings,DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IMessageFactory)">
  31. <summary>
  32. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerChannel"/> class.
  33. </summary>
  34. <param name="signingBindingElement">The binding element to use for signing.</param>
  35. <param name="store">The web application store to use for nonces.</param>
  36. <param name="tokenManager">The token manager instance to use.</param>
  37. <param name="securitySettings">The security settings.</param>
  38. <param name="messageFactory">The message factory.</param>
  39. </member>
  40. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerChannel.GetConsumerSecret(System.String)">
  41. <summary>
  42. Gets the consumer secret for a given consumer key.
  43. </summary>
  44. <param name="consumerKey">The consumer key.</param>
  45. <returns>The consumer secret.</returns>
  46. </member>
  47. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerChannel.InitializeBindingElements(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.ITamperProtectionChannelBindingElement,DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.Bindings.INonceStore)">
  48. <summary>
  49. Initializes the binding elements for the OAuth channel.
  50. </summary>
  51. <param name="signingBindingElement">The signing binding element.</param>
  52. <param name="store">The nonce store.</param>
  53. <returns>
  54. An array of binding elements used to initialize the channel.
  55. </returns>
  56. </member>
  57. <member name="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerMessageFactory">
  58. <summary>
  59. An OAuth-protocol specific implementation of the <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IMessageFactory"/>
  60. interface.
  61. </summary>
  62. </member>
  63. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerMessageFactory.#ctor">
  64. <summary>
  65. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerMessageFactory"/> class.
  66. </summary>
  67. </member>
  68. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerMessageFactory.GetNewRequestMessage(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.MessageReceivingEndpoint,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  69. <summary>
  70. Analyzes an incoming request message payload to discover what kind of
  71. message is embedded in it and returns the type, or null if no match is found.
  72. </summary>
  73. <param name="recipient">The intended or actual recipient of the request message.</param>
  74. <param name="fields">The name/value pairs that make up the message payload.</param>
  75. <returns>
  76. A newly instantiated <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IProtocolMessage"/>-derived object that this message can
  77. deserialize to. Null if the request isn't recognized as a valid protocol message.
  78. </returns>
  79. <remarks>
  80. The request messages are:
  81. UserAuthorizationResponse
  82. </remarks>
  83. </member>
  84. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.OAuthConsumerMessageFactory.GetNewResponseMessage(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IDirectedProtocolMessage,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  85. <summary>
  86. Analyzes an incoming request message payload to discover what kind of
  87. message is embedded in it and returns the type, or null if no match is found.
  88. </summary>
  89. <param name="request">
  90. The message that was sent as a request that resulted in the response.
  91. Null on a Consumer site that is receiving an indirect message from the Service Provider.
  92. </param>
  93. <param name="fields">The name/value pairs that make up the message payload.</param>
  94. <returns>
  95. A newly instantiated <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IProtocolMessage"/>-derived object that this message can
  96. deserialize to. Null if the request isn't recognized as a valid protocol message.
  97. </returns>
  98. <remarks>
  99. The response messages are:
  100. UnauthorizedTokenResponse
  101. AuthorizedTokenResponse
  102. </remarks>
  103. </member>
  104. <member name="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.RsaSha1ConsumerSigningBindingElement">
  105. <summary>
  106. A binding element that signs outgoing messages and verifies the signature on incoming messages.
  107. </summary>
  108. </member>
  109. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.RsaSha1ConsumerSigningBindingElement.#ctor(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2)">
  110. <summary>
  111. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.RsaSha1ConsumerSigningBindingElement"/> class.
  112. </summary>
  113. <param name="signingCertificate">The certificate used to sign outgoing messages.</param>
  114. </member>
  115. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.RsaSha1ConsumerSigningBindingElement.IsSignatureValid(DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.ITamperResistantOAuthMessage)">
  116. <summary>
  117. Determines whether the signature on some message is valid.
  118. </summary>
  119. <param name="message">The message to check the signature on.</param>
  120. <returns>
  121. <c>true</c> if the signature on the message is valid; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
  122. </returns>
  123. </member>
  124. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.RsaSha1ConsumerSigningBindingElement.GetSignature(DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.ITamperResistantOAuthMessage)">
  125. <summary>
  126. Calculates a signature for a given message.
  127. </summary>
  128. <param name="message">The message to sign.</param>
  129. <returns>The signature for the message.</returns>
  130. <remarks>
  131. This method signs the message per OAuth 1.0 section 9.3.
  132. </remarks>
  133. </member>
  134. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.RsaSha1ConsumerSigningBindingElement.Clone">
  135. <summary>
  136. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
  137. </summary>
  138. <returns>
  139. A new object that is a copy of this instance.
  140. </returns>
  141. </member>
  142. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.RsaSha1ConsumerSigningBindingElement.SigningCertificate">
  143. <summary>
  144. Gets or sets the certificate used to sign outgoing messages. Used only by Consumers.
  145. </summary>
  146. </member>
  147. <member name="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase">
  148. <summary>
  149. Base class for <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.WebConsumer"/> and <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.DesktopConsumer"/> types.
  150. </summary>
  151. </member>
  152. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.#ctor(DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ServiceProviderDescription,DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.IConsumerTokenManager)">
  153. <summary>
  154. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase"/> class.
  155. </summary>
  156. <param name="serviceDescription">The endpoints and behavior of the Service Provider.</param>
  157. <param name="tokenManager">The host's method of storing and recalling tokens and secrets.</param>
  158. </member>
  159. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.RequestNewClientAccount(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  160. <summary>
  161. Obtains an access token for a new account at the Service Provider via 2-legged OAuth.
  162. </summary>
  163. <param name="requestParameters">Any applicable parameters to include in the query string of the token request.</param>
  164. <returns>The access token.</returns>
  165. <remarks>
  166. The token secret is stored in the <see cref="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.TokenManager"/>.
  167. </remarks>
  168. </member>
  169. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.PrepareAuthorizedRequest(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.MessageReceivingEndpoint,System.String)">
  170. <summary>
  171. Creates a web request prepared with OAuth authorization
  172. that may be further tailored by adding parameters by the caller.
  173. </summary>
  174. <param name="endpoint">The URL and method on the Service Provider to send the request to.</param>
  175. <param name="accessToken">The access token that permits access to the protected resource.</param>
  176. <returns>The initialized WebRequest object.</returns>
  177. </member>
  178. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.PrepareAuthorizedRequest(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.MessageReceivingEndpoint,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  179. <summary>
  180. Creates a web request prepared with OAuth authorization
  181. that may be further tailored by adding parameters by the caller.
  182. </summary>
  183. <param name="endpoint">The URL and method on the Service Provider to send the request to.</param>
  184. <param name="accessToken">The access token that permits access to the protected resource.</param>
  185. <param name="extraData">Extra parameters to include in the message. Must not be null, but may be empty.</param>
  186. <returns>The initialized WebRequest object.</returns>
  187. </member>
  188. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.PrepareAuthorizedRequest(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.MessageReceivingEndpoint,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.MultipartPostPart})">
  189. <summary>
  190. Prepares an authorized request that carries an HTTP multi-part POST, allowing for binary data.
  191. </summary>
  192. <param name="endpoint">The URL and method on the Service Provider to send the request to.</param>
  193. <param name="accessToken">The access token that permits access to the protected resource.</param>
  194. <param name="binaryData">Extra parameters to include in the message. Must not be null, but may be empty.</param>
  195. <returns>The initialized WebRequest object.</returns>
  196. </member>
  197. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.PrepareAuthorizedRequest(DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.Messages.AccessProtectedResourceRequest)">
  198. <summary>
  199. Prepares an HTTP request that has OAuth authorization already attached to it.
  200. </summary>
  201. <param name="message">The OAuth authorization message to attach to the HTTP request.</param>
  202. <returns>
  203. The HttpWebRequest that can be used to send the HTTP request to the remote service provider.
  204. </returns>
  205. <remarks>
  206. If <see cref="P:DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IDirectedProtocolMessage.HttpMethods"/> property on the
  207. <paramref name="message"/> has the
  208. <see cref="F:DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.HttpDeliveryMethods.AuthorizationHeaderRequest"/> flag set and
  209. <see cref="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.ITamperResistantOAuthMessage.HttpMethod"/> is set to an HTTP method
  210. that includes an entity body, the request stream is automatically sent
  211. if and only if the <see cref="P:DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IMessage.ExtraData"/> dictionary is non-empty.
  212. </remarks>
  213. </member>
  214. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.PrepareAuthorizedRequestAndSend(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.MessageReceivingEndpoint,System.String)">
  215. <summary>
  216. Creates a web request prepared with OAuth authorization
  217. that may be further tailored by adding parameters by the caller.
  218. </summary>
  219. <param name="endpoint">The URL and method on the Service Provider to send the request to.</param>
  220. <param name="accessToken">The access token that permits access to the protected resource.</param>
  221. <returns>The initialized WebRequest object.</returns>
  222. <exception cref="T:System.Net.WebException">Thrown if the request fails for any reason after it is sent to the Service Provider.</exception>
  223. </member>
  224. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.Dispose">
  225. <summary>
  226. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
  227. </summary>
  228. </member>
  229. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.CreateAuthorizingMessage(DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.MessageReceivingEndpoint,System.String)">
  230. <summary>
  231. Creates a web request prepared with OAuth authorization
  232. that may be further tailored by adding parameters by the caller.
  233. </summary>
  234. <param name="endpoint">The URL and method on the Service Provider to send the request to.</param>
  235. <param name="accessToken">The access token that permits access to the protected resource.</param>
  236. <returns>The initialized WebRequest object.</returns>
  237. </member>
  238. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.PrepareRequestUserAuthorization(System.Uri,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String@)">
  239. <summary>
  240. Prepares an OAuth message that begins an authorization request that will
  241. redirect the user to the Service Provider to provide that authorization.
  242. </summary>
  243. <param name="callback">
  244. An optional Consumer URL that the Service Provider should redirect the
  245. User Agent to upon successful authorization.
  246. </param>
  247. <param name="requestParameters">Extra parameters to add to the request token message. Optional.</param>
  248. <param name="redirectParameters">Extra parameters to add to the redirect to Service Provider message. Optional.</param>
  249. <param name="requestToken">The request token that must be exchanged for an access token after the user has provided authorization.</param>
  250. <returns>The pending user agent redirect based message to be sent as an HttpResponse.</returns>
  251. </member>
  252. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.ProcessUserAuthorization(System.String,System.String)">
  253. <summary>
  254. Exchanges a given request token for access token.
  255. </summary>
  256. <param name="requestToken">The request token that the user has authorized.</param>
  257. <param name="verifier">The verifier code.</param>
  258. <returns>
  259. The access token assigned by the Service Provider.
  260. </returns>
  261. </member>
  262. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
  263. <summary>
  264. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
  265. </summary>
  266. <param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged resources; <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.</param>
  267. </member>
  268. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.ConsumerKey">
  269. <summary>
  270. Gets the Consumer Key used to communicate with the Service Provider.
  271. </summary>
  272. </member>
  273. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.ServiceProvider">
  274. <summary>
  275. Gets the Service Provider that will be accessed.
  276. </summary>
  277. </member>
  278. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.TokenManager">
  279. <summary>
  280. Gets the persistence store for tokens and secrets.
  281. </summary>
  282. </member>
  283. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.Channel">
  284. <summary>
  285. Gets the channel to use for sending/receiving messages.
  286. </summary>
  287. </member>
  288. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.SecuritySettings">
  289. <summary>
  290. Gets the security settings for this consumer.
  291. </summary>
  292. </member>
  293. <member name="P:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ConsumerBase.OAuthChannel">
  294. <summary>
  295. Gets or sets the channel to use for sending/receiving messages.
  296. </summary>
  297. </member>
  298. <member name="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.DesktopConsumer">
  299. <summary>
  300. Used by a desktop application to use OAuth to access the Service Provider on behalf of the User.
  301. </summary>
  302. <remarks>
  303. The methods on this class are thread-safe. Provided the properties are set and not changed
  304. afterward, a single instance of this class may be used by an entire desktop application safely.
  305. </remarks>
  306. </member>
  307. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.DesktopConsumer.#ctor(DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ServiceProviderDescription,DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.IConsumerTokenManager)">
  308. <summary>
  309. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.DesktopConsumer"/> class.
  310. </summary>
  311. <param name="serviceDescription">The endpoints and behavior of the Service Provider.</param>
  312. <param name="tokenManager">The host's method of storing and recalling tokens and secrets.</param>
  313. </member>
  314. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.DesktopConsumer.RequestUserAuthorization(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String@)">
  315. <summary>
  316. Begins an OAuth authorization request.
  317. </summary>
  318. <param name="requestParameters">Extra parameters to add to the request token message. Optional.</param>
  319. <param name="redirectParameters">Extra parameters to add to the redirect to Service Provider message. Optional.</param>
  320. <param name="requestToken">The request token that must be exchanged for an access token after the user has provided authorization.</param>
  321. <returns>The URL to open a browser window to allow the user to provide authorization.</returns>
  322. </member>
  323. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.DesktopConsumer.ProcessUserAuthorization(System.String)">
  324. <summary>
  325. Exchanges a given request token for access token.
  326. </summary>
  327. <param name="requestToken">The request token that the user has authorized.</param>
  328. <returns>The access token assigned by the Service Provider.</returns>
  329. </member>
  330. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.DesktopConsumer.ProcessUserAuthorization(System.String,System.String)">
  331. <summary>
  332. Exchanges a given request token for access token.
  333. </summary>
  334. <param name="requestToken">The request token that the user has authorized.</param>
  335. <param name="verifier">The verifier code typed in by the user. Must not be <c>Null</c> for OAuth 1.0a service providers and later.</param>
  336. <returns>
  337. The access token assigned by the Service Provider.
  338. </returns>
  339. </member>
  340. <member name="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.WebConsumer">
  341. <summary>
  342. A website or application that uses OAuth to access the Service Provider on behalf of the User.
  343. </summary>
  344. <remarks>
  345. The methods on this class are thread-safe. Provided the properties are set and not changed
  346. afterward, a single instance of this class may be used by an entire web application safely.
  347. </remarks>
  348. </member>
  349. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.WebConsumer.#ctor(DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ServiceProviderDescription,DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ChannelElements.IConsumerTokenManager)">
  350. <summary>
  351. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.WebConsumer"/> class.
  352. </summary>
  353. <param name="serviceDescription">The endpoints and behavior of the Service Provider.</param>
  354. <param name="tokenManager">The host's method of storing and recalling tokens and secrets.</param>
  355. </member>
  356. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.WebConsumer.PrepareRequestUserAuthorization">
  357. <summary>
  358. Begins an OAuth authorization request and redirects the user to the Service Provider
  359. to provide that authorization. Upon successful authorization, the user is redirected
  360. back to the current page.
  361. </summary>
  362. <returns>The pending user agent redirect based message to be sent as an HttpResponse.</returns>
  363. <remarks>
  364. Requires HttpContext.Current.
  365. </remarks>
  366. </member>
  367. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.WebConsumer.PrepareRequestUserAuthorization(System.Uri,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  368. <summary>
  369. Prepares an OAuth message that begins an authorization request that will
  370. redirect the user to the Service Provider to provide that authorization.
  371. </summary>
  372. <param name="callback">
  373. An optional Consumer URL that the Service Provider should redirect the
  374. User Agent to upon successful authorization.
  375. </param>
  376. <param name="requestParameters">Extra parameters to add to the request token message. Optional.</param>
  377. <param name="redirectParameters">Extra parameters to add to the redirect to Service Provider message. Optional.</param>
  378. <returns>The pending user agent redirect based message to be sent as an HttpResponse.</returns>
  379. </member>
  380. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.WebConsumer.ProcessUserAuthorization">
  381. <summary>
  382. Processes an incoming authorization-granted message from an SP and obtains an access token.
  383. </summary>
  384. <returns>The access token, or null if no incoming authorization message was recognized.</returns>
  385. <remarks>
  386. Requires HttpContext.Current.
  387. </remarks>
  388. </member>
  389. <member name="M:DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.WebConsumer.ProcessUserAuthorization(System.Web.HttpRequestBase)">
  390. <summary>
  391. Processes an incoming authorization-granted message from an SP and obtains an access token.
  392. </summary>
  393. <param name="request">The incoming HTTP request.</param>
  394. <returns>The access token, or null if no incoming authorization message was recognized.</returns>
  395. </member>
  396. </members>
  397. </doc>