System.Web.Helpers Chart width in pixels. Chart height in pixels. String containing chart theme definition. Chart's theme defines properties like colors, positions, etc. This parameter is primarily meant for one of the predefined Chart themes, however any valid chart theme is acceptable. Path to a file containing definition of chart theme, default is none. Both the theme and themePath parameters can be specified. In this case, the Chart class applies the theme xml first followed by the content of file at themePath. Chart(100, 100, theme: ChartTheme.Blue) Chart(100, 100, theme: ChartTheme.Vanilla, themePath: "my-theme.xml") Chart(100, 100, theme: ".... definition inline ...." ) Chart(100, 100, themePath: "my-theme.xml") Any valid theme definition can be used as content of the file specified in themePath Legend title. Legend name. Series name. Chart type (see: SeriesChartType). Chart area where the series is displayed. Axis label for the series. Legend for the series. Axis marker step. X data source, if data-binding the series. Column for the X data points, if data-binding the series. Y data source(s), if data-binding the series. Column(s) for the Y data points, if data-binding the series. Title text. Title name. Title for X-axis The minimum value on X-axis. Default 0 The maximum value on X-axis. Default NaN Title for Y-axis The minimum value on Y-axis. Default 0 The maximum value on Y-axis. Default NaN Data-binds the chart by grouping values in a series. The series will be created by the chart. Chart data source. Column which series should be grouped by. Column for the X data points. Column(s) for the Y data points, separated by comma. Sort order (see: PointSortOrder). Data-binds the chart using a data source, with multiple y values supported. The series will be created by the chart. Chart data source. Column for the X data points. Get the bytes for the chart image. Image format (see: ChartImageFormat). Loads a chart from the cache. This can be used to render from an image handler. Cache key. Saves the chart image to a file. File path. Chart image format (see: ChartImageFormat). Saves the chart in cache. This can be used to render from an image handler. Cache key. Uses new GUID by default. Number of minutes to save in cache. Whether a sliding expiration policy is used. Cache key. Saves the chart to the specified template file. XML template file path. Saves the chart to the specified template file. The . XML template file path. Writes the chart image to the response stream. This can be used to render from an image handler. Image format (see: ChartImageFormat). Writes a chart stored in cache to the response stream. This can be used to render from an image handler. Cache key. Image format (see: ChartImageFormat). Method to convert a string to a ChartImageFormat. The chart image needs to be normalized to allow for alternate names such as 'jpg', 'xpng' etc to be mapped to their appropriate ChartImageFormat. Resolves and maps a path (physical or virtual) to a physical path on the server. The . Either a physical rooted path or a virtual path to be mapped. Physical paths are returned without modifications. Virtual paths are resolved relative to the current executing page. Result of this call should not be shown to the user (e.g. in an exception message) since it could be security sensitive. But we need to pass this result to the file APIs like File.WriteAllBytes which will show it if exceptions are raised from them. Unfortunately VirtualPathProvider doesn't have APIs for writing so we can't use that. Resolves path relative to the current executing page Helper to evaluate different method on dynamic objects Converter that knows how to get the member values from a dynamic object. Provides various info about ASP.NET server. todo: figure out right place for this Generates HTML required to display server information. HTML generated is XHTML 1.0 compliant but not XHTML 1.1 or HTML5 compliant. The reason is that we generate <style> tag inside <body> tag, which is not allowed. This is by design for now since ServerInfo is debugging aid and should not be used as a permanent part of any web page. Renders a table section printing out rows and columns. Inserts spaces after ',' and ';' so table can be rendered properly. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to Argument conversion to type "{0}" failed.. Looks up a localized string similar to A series cannot be data-bound to a string object.. Looks up a localized string similar to The theme file "{0}" could not be found.. Looks up a localized string similar to The hash algorithm '{0}' is not supported, valid values are: sha256, sha1, md5. Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" is invalid image format. Valid values are image format names like: "JPEG", "BMP", "GIF", "PNG", etc.. Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to convert to "{0}". Use Json.Decode<T> instead.. Looks up a localized string similar to Previously Displayed. Looks up a localized string similar to Accessing a property threw an exception: . Looks up a localized string similar to File path "{0}" is invalid.. Looks up a localized string similar to Additional server information is available when the page is running with high trust.. Looks up a localized string similar to Environment Variables. Looks up a localized string similar to ASP.NET Server Information. Looks up a localized string similar to HTTP Runtime Information. Looks up a localized string similar to Legacy Code Access Security. Looks up a localized string similar to Legacy Code Access Security has been detected on your system. Microsoft WebPage features require the ASP.NET 4 Code Access Security model. For information about how to resolve this, contact your server administrator.. Looks up a localized string similar to no value. Looks up a localized string similar to Server Configuration. Looks up a localized string similar to ASP.NET Server Variables. Looks up a localized string similar to The column name cannot be null or an empty string unless a custom format is specified.. Looks up a localized string similar to Column "{0}" does not exist.. Looks up a localized string similar to The WebGrid instance is already bound to a data source.. Looks up a localized string similar to A data source must be bound before this operation can be performed.. Looks up a localized string similar to This operation is not supported when paging is disabled for the "WebGrid" object.. Looks up a localized string similar to This operation is not supported when sorting is disabled for the "WebGrid" object.. Looks up a localized string similar to To use this argument, pager mode "{0}" must be enabled.. Looks up a localized string similar to This property cannot be set after the "WebGrid" object has been sorted or paged. Make sure that this property is set prior to invoking the "Rows" property directly or indirectly through other methods such as "GetHtml", "Pager", "Table", etc.. Looks up a localized string similar to A value for "rowCount" must be specified when "autoSortAndPage" is set to true and paging is enabled.. Looks up a localized string similar to Select. Looks up a localized string similar to The "fontColor" value is invalid. Valid values are names like "White", "Black", or "DarkBlue", or hexadecimal values in the form "#RRGGBB" or "#RGB".. Looks up a localized string similar to The "fontFamily" value is invalid. Valid values are font family names like: "Arial", "Times New Roman", etc. Make sure that the font family you are trying to use is installed on the server.. Looks up a localized string similar to The "fontStyle" value is invalid. Valid values are: "Regular", "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", and "Strikeout".. Looks up a localized string similar to The "horizontalAlign" value is invalid. Valid values are: "Right", "Left", and "Center".. Looks up a localized string similar to The "verticalAlign" value is invalid. Valid values are: "Top", "Bottom", and "Middle".. Looks up a localized string similar to Watermark width and height must both be positive or both be zero.. Looks up a localized string similar to An image could not be constructed from the content provided.. Looks up a localized string similar to The "priority" value is invalid. Valid values are "Low", "Normal" and "High".. Looks up a localized string similar to A string in the collection is null or empty.. Looks up a localized string similar to "SmtpServer" was not specified.. Looks up a localized string similar to No "From" email address was specified and a default value could not be assigned.. Source wrapper for data provided by the user that is already sorted and paged. The user provides the WebGrid the rows to bind and additionally the total number of rows that are available. Default data source that sorts results if a sort column is specified. Data source Data source column names. Auto-populated by default. Default sort column. Number of rows per page. ID for the grid's container element. This enables AJAX support. Callback function for the AJAX functionality once the update is complete Prefix for query string fields to support multiple grids. Query string field name for page number. Query string field name for selected row number. Query string field name for sort column. Query string field name for sort direction. Gets the HTML for a table with a pager. Table class for styling. Header row class for styling. Footer row class for styling. Row class for styling (odd rows only). Row class for styling (even rows only). Selected row class for styling. Whether the header row should be displayed. The string displayed as the table caption Whether the table can add empty rows to ensure the rowsPerPage row count. Value used to populate empty rows. This property is only used when is set Column model for customizing column rendering. Columns to exclude when auto-populating columns. Modes for pager rendering. Text for link to first page. Text for link to previous page. Text for link to next page. Text for link to last page. Number of numeric links that should display. An object that contains the HTML attributes to set for the element. Gets the HTML for a pager. Modes for pager rendering. Text for link to first page. Text for link to previous page. Text for link to next page. Text for link to last page. Number of numeric links that should display. Modes for pager rendering. Text for link to first page. Text for link to previous page. Text for link to next page. Text for link to last page. Number of numeric links that should display. The Pager can be explicitly called by the public API or is called by the WebGrid when no footer is provided. In the explicit scenario, we would need to render a container for the pager to allow identifying the pager links. In the implicit scenario, the grid table would be the container. Gets the HTML for a table with a pager. Table class for styling. Header row class for styling. Footer row class for styling. Row class for styling (odd rows only). Row class for styling (even rows only). Selected row class for styling. The table caption Whether the header row should be displayed. Whether the table can add empty rows to ensure the rowsPerPage row count. Value used to populate empty rows. This property is only used when is set Column model for customizing column rendering. Columns to exclude when auto-populating columns. Table footer template. An object that contains the HTML attributes to set for the element. Adds a specific sort function for a given column. The type of elements in the grid's source. The column type, usually inferred from the keySelector function's return type. The column name (as used for sorting) The function used to select a key to sort by, for each element in the grid's source. The current grid, with the new custom sorter applied. var grid = new WebGrid(items) .AddSorter("Manager.Name", (Employee x) => (x == null || x.Manager == null) ? null : x.Manager.Name); The set of columns that are rendered to the client. Adds text watermark to a WebImage. Text to use as a watermark. Watermark color. Can be specified as a string (e.g. "White") or as a hex value (e.g. "#00FF00"). Font size in points. Font style: bold, italics, etc. Font family name: e.g. Microsoft Sans Serif Horizontal alignment for watermark text. Can be "right", "left", or "center". Vertical alignment for watermark text. Can be "top", "bottom", or "middle". Watermark text opacity. Should be between 0 and 100. Size of padding around watermark text in pixels. Modified WebImage instance with added watermark. Adds image watermark to an image. Image to use as a watermark. Width of watermark. Height of watermark. Horizontal alignment for watermark image. Can be "right", "left", or "center". Vertical alignment for watermark image. Can be "top", "bottom", or "middle". Watermark text opacity. Should be between 0 and 100. Size of padding around watermark image in pixels. Modified WebImage instance with added watermark. Adds image watermark to an image. File to read watermark image from. Width of watermark. Height of watermark. Horizontal alignment for watermark image. Can be "right", "left", or "center". Vertical alignment for watermark image. Can be "top", "bottom", or "middle". Watermark text opacity. Should be between 0 and 100. Size of padding around watermark image in pixels. WebImage instance with added watermark. If no filePath is specified, the method falls back to the file name if the image was constructed from a file or the file name on the client (the browser machine) if the image was built off GetImageFromRequest The format the image is saved in Appends a well known extension to the filePath based on the imageFormat specified. If the filePath uses a valid extension, no change is made. e.g. format: "jpg", filePath: "foo.txt". Image saved at = "foo.txt.jpeg" format: "png", filePath: "foo.png". Image saved at = "foo.txt.png" Constructs a System.Drawing.Image instance from the content which validates the contents of the image. When an Image construction fails. Caller has to dispose of returned Bitmap object. MailMessage dictates that headers values that have equivalent properties would be discarded or overwritten. The list of values is available at Parses a SMTP Mail header of the format "name: value" True if the header was parsed.