WebMatrix.Data Provides data for the event of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The connection that is associated with the event. Gets the connection that is associated with the event. The connection that was opened. Provides methods and properties that are used to access and manage data that is stored in a database. Closes an open database. Gets the current connection to a database. The connection. Occurs when a new database connection is opened by a instance. Releases all resources used by a instance. Releases the unmanaged resources used by a instance and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Executes a non-query SQL statement. The count of records affected by the SQL statement. The SQL statement to execute. (Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL statement. is null or empty. Returns the identity column of the most recently inserted row. The ID of the most recently inserted row. Opens a connection to a database using the specified file name or using the named connection string. The database instance. The name associated with the database to open. can specify an .sdf or .mdf database file that is in the App_Data folder. (Do not include the file-name extension.) Alternatively, can specify the name of a connection string in the Web.config file. Opens a connection to a database using the specified connection string. The database instance. The connection string that contains information that is used to connect to a database. is null or empty. Opens a connection to a database using a connection string and the specified provider. The database instance. The connection string that contains information that is used to connect to a database. (Optional) The name of the .NET Framework data provider to use to connect to the data source. is null or empty. Executes a SQL query that returns a list of rows as the result. The rows returned by the SQL query. The SQL query to execute. (Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL query. Executes a SQL query that returns a single row as the result. The single row returned by the SQL query. The SQL query to execute. (Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL query. Executes a SQL query that returns a single scalar value as the result. The scalar value returned by the SQL query. The SQL query to execute. (Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL query. Represents a data record by using a custom type descriptor and the capabilities of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). Returns a list that contains the name of each column in the instance. A list that contains the name of each column. Returns a list that contains the name of all dynamic members of the instance. A list that contains the name of every dynamic member. Returns the value of a column in the instance using the specified index. The value of the specified column. The zero-based index of the column that contains the value to return. Returns the value of a column in the instance using the specified name. The value of the specified column. The name of the column that contains the value to return. Name matching is case-insensitive. The instance does not contain a column whose name is a case-insensitive match with the specified name. Returns a list of custom attributes for this instance of a component. in all cases. Returns the class name for this instance of a component. null in all cases. Returns the name for this instance of a component. null in all cases. Returns the type converter for this instance of a component. null in all cases. Returns the default event for this instance of a component. null in all cases. Returns the default property for this instance of a component. null in all cases. Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component. null in all cases. The editor for this object. The value of this parameter is ignored by this implementation and does not affect the outcome of this method. Returns the events for this instance of a component. in all cases. Returns the events for this instance of a component by using the specified filter. in all cases. An array that is used as a filter. The value of this parameter is ignored by this implementation and does not affect the outcome of this method. Returns the properties for this instance of a component. A collection that represents the properties for this component instance. Returns the properties for this instance of a component by using the specified filter. A collection that represents the properties for this component instance. An array that is used as a filter. The value of this parameter is ignored by this implementation and does not affect the outcome of this method. Returns the object that contains the specified property. This instance. The property to get the owner of. Gets the value of a member using the specified name. true in all cases. Provides information about the get operation. When this method returns, contains the value of the member, which can be null. This parameter is passed uninitialized. The instance does not contain a member whose name is a case-insensitive match with the name that is specified by the parameter.