Microsoft.Web.WebPages.OAuth Represents an OAuth or OpenID account. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the provider. The provider user ID. Gets the provider name. The provider name. Gets the provider user ID. The provider user ID. Manages security that uses OAuth authentication providers like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Windows Live and OpenID authentication providers like Google and Yahoo. Creates or updates the account using the specified provider and user ID for the provider ID and associate the new account with the specified user name. The provider name. The user ID for the specified provider. The name of the user. Deletes the specified membership account. true if the account was deleted, or false if it was not. The provider name. The user ID for the specified provider. Gets the account or accounts that are associated using the specified user name. The collection of accounts. The user name. Returns the user ID for the specified OAuth or OpenID provider and provider user ID. The user ID, or null if there is no user ID associated with the OAuth or Open ID provider user ID. The provider name. The user ID for the specified provider. Gets a value that indicates whether the user has been authenticated using OAuth. true if the user has been authenticated using OAuth; otherwise, false. Logs the user in. true if login was successful; otherwise, false. The provider name. The user ID for the specified provider. true to create a persistent cookie so that the login information is saved across browser sessions; otherwise, false. Registers an OAuth authentication client. One of the supported OAuth clients. Requests the specified provider to start the authentication by directing users to an external website. The OAuth provider. Requests the specified provider to start the authentication by directing users to an external website, and directs the provider to redirect the user to the specified URL when authentication is successful. The OAuth provider. The URL to return to when authentication is successful. Returns a value that indicates whether the user account has been confirmed by the provider. A instance that you can query to determine whether verification was successful. Provides a registration point for pre-application start code for OAuth-based security. Registers the OAuth pre-application start code.