Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework Concrete instance of the IdentityDbContext which uses the default framework entities Default constructor which uses the "DefaultConnection" connectionString Constructor which takes the connection string to use The connection string to use. Generic Context which takes entities for all of the sets needed for IIdentityManager Default constructor which uses the "DefaultConnection" connectionString Constructor which takes the connection string to use EntitySet of Roles EntitySet of Tokens EntitySet of UserClaims EntitySet of UserLogins EntitySet of UserManagement EntitySet of UserRoles EntitySet of Users EntitySet of UserSecrets Validates that UserNames are unique and case insenstive Concrete instance of the IdentityDbContext which uses a custom user entity but otherwise uses default framework entities Factory implementation that returns an IdentityManager Factory method that creates an identity store context Factory method that creates an IdentityManager IdentitySettings to use when creating IdentityManagers Implements IIdentityStoreContext Default constuctor which uses a new instance of a DefaultIdentityDbContext Constructor which takes a db context and wires up the stores with default instances using the context Context which encapsulates the unit of work Dispose the stores and dbcontext If disposing, calls dispose on the stores and Context. Always nulls out the stores/dbcontext Calls SaveChangesAsync on the Context Represents a user being in a role id of the role id of the user Implements IRole Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the role. Gets the identifier of this role. The identifier of this role. Gets the name of this role. The name of this role. Gets a collection of user roles. A collection of user roles. Base class for RoleStores using EF where TRole is the entity type of the role, and TUserInRole is the entity type of the user/role membership Constructor that takes the db context Returns true if the user is successfully added to the role Creates a role, returns true if successful, false if not (role already exists) DeleteById a role, returns true if successful Returns the roles for th euser Returns true if the user is in the specified role Returns true if the user was removed from the role Returns true if the role exists EntityFramework based Store that allows query/manipulation of a TEntity set Constructor that takes a Context Context for the store Mark an entity for deletion Overload that deletes an entity EntitySet for this store FindAsync an entity by ID Insert an entity Update an entity EntityType that implements IToken Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the identifier of this token. The identifier of this token. Gets the date and time the token is valid. The date and time the token is valid. Gets the value of this token. The value of this token. Implements ITokenStore using EntityFramework where TToken is the entity type of the token being stored Constructor that takes the db context EntityType that implements IUser Constructor Constructor that takes userName The user's logins The user's management object The user's roles EntityType that represents one specific user claim Constructor Gets or sets the type of the claim associated with the user. The type of the claim associated with the user. Gets or sets the value of the claim. The value of the claim. Unique key for the user claim The unique key for the user claim. Navigation property setting up the foreign key for User Gets or sets the user identifier associated with the claim. The user identifier associated with the claim. Implements IUserClaimStore using EntityFramework where TUserSecret is the entity type of the user claim being stored Constructor that takes the db context Entity type for a user's login (i.e. facebook, local password, google) Default constructor Constructor Navigation property setting up the foreign key for User Implements IUserLoginStore using EntityFramework where TUserLogin is the entity type of the user login being stored Constructor that takes a db context Represents the user management instance. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified user identifier.. The unique identifier of the user. Gets or sets whether to disable the user sign in. true to disable the user sign in; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the time when the user recently signed in. The time when the user recently signed in. Navigation property setting up the foreign key for User Gets or sets the unique identifier of the user. The unique identifier of the user. Represents the user management store. The type of the user. Initializes a new instance of the class. The context for the store. Creates a user management. The created management store. The user management information. The cancellation token. Deletes a user management. The deleted user management. The user identifier where the management will be deleted. The cancellation token. Searches for a user management of a specific user. The searched user management. The user identifier. The cancellation token. Updates a user management. The updated user management information. The user management information. The cancellation token. EntityType that represents a user belonging to a role Initializes a new instance of the class. Navigation property setting up the foreign key for Role Gets or sets the role identifier. The role identifier. Navigation property setting up the foreign key for User Gets or sets the user identifier. The user identifier. EntityType that represents a username and secret(i.e. hashed password) Constructor Constructor Implements IUserSecretStore using EntityFramework where TUserSecret is the entity type of the user secret being stored Constructor that takes a db context Implements IUserStore using EntityFramework where TUser is the entity type of the user being stored Constructor that takes the db context