Microsoft.Owin Provided as a down-level stub for the 4.5 AssemblyMetaDataAttribute class. All released assemblies should define [AssemblyMetadata("Serviceable", "True")]. Extension methods for . Inserts a middleware into the OWIN pipeline. The middleware type Any additional arguments for the middleware constructor Inserts into the OWIN pipeline a middleware which does not have a next middleware reference. An app that handles all requests Inserts a middleware into the OWIN pipeline. An app that handles the request or calls the given next Func Represents a middleware for executing in-line function middleware. An abstract base class for a standard middleware pattern. Instantiates the middleware with an optional pointer to the next component. Process an individual request. The optional next component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pointer to next middleware. A function that handles all requests. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pointer to next middleware. A function that handles the request or calls the given next function. Invokes the handler for processing the request. The OWIN context. The object that represents the request operation. Contains the parsed form values. Accessors for query, forms, etc. Accessors for headers, query, forms, etc. Get the associated value from the collection. Multiple values will be merged. Returns null if the key is not present. Get the associated values from the collection in their original format. Returns null if the key is not present. Get the associated value from the collection. Multiple values will be merged. Returns null if the key is not present. Create a new wrapper Get the associated value from the collection. Multiple values will be merged. Returns null if the key is not present. Get the associated values from the collection in their original format. Returns null if the key is not present. Get the associated value from the collection. Multiple values will be merged. Returns null if the key is not present. Contains the parsed form values. Initializes a new instance of the class. The store for the form. Represents a wrapper for owin.RequestHeaders and owin.ResponseHeaders. Represents a wrapper for owin.RequestHeaders and owin.ResponseHeaders. Get the associated values from the collection separated into individual values. Quoted values will not be split, and the quotes will be removed. The header name. the associated values from the collection separated into individual values, or null if the key is not present. Add a new value. Appends to the header if already present The header name. The header value. Add new values. Each item remains a separate array entry. The header name. The header values. Quotes any values containing comas, and then coma joins all of the values with any existing values. The header name. The header values. Sets a specific header value. The header name. The header value. Sets the specified header values without modification. The header name. The header values. Quotes any values containing comas, and then coma joins all of the values. The header name. The header values. Get or sets the associated value from the collection as a single string. The header name. the associated value from the collection as a single string or null if the key is not present. Initializes a new instance of the class. The underlying data store. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Get the associated value from the collection as a single string. The header name. the associated value from the collection as a single string or null if the key is not present. Get the associated values from the collection without modification. The header name. the associated value from the collection without modification, or null if the key is not present. Get the associated values from the collection separated into individual values. Quoted values will not be split, and the quotes will be removed. The header name. the associated values from the collection separated into individual values, or null if the key is not present. Add a new value. Appends to the header if already present The header name. The header value. Add new values. Each item remains a separate array entry. The header name. The header values. Quotes any values containing comas, and then coma joins all of the values with any existing values. The header name. The header values. Sets a specific header value. The header name. The header value. Sets the specified header values without modification. The header name. The header values. Quotes any values containing comas, and then coma joins all of the values. The header name. The header values. Adds the given header and values to the collection. The header name. The header values. Determines whether the contains a specific key. The key. true if the contains a specific key; otherwise, false. Removes the given header from the collection. The header name. true if the specified object was removed from the collection; otherwise, false. Retrieves a value from the dictionary. The header name. The value. true if the contains the key; otherwise, false. Adds a new list of items to the collection. The item to add. Clears the entire list of objects. Returns a value indicating whether the specified object occurs within this collection. The item. true if the specified object occurs within this collection; otherwise, false. Copies the elements to a one-dimensional Array instance at the specified index. The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the specified objects copied from the . The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Removes the given item from the the collection. The item. true if the specified object was removed from the collection; otherwise, false. Gets an that contains the keys in the ;. An that contains the keys in the . Gets the number of elements contained in the ;. The number of elements contained in the . Gets a value that indicates whether the is in read-only mode. true if the is in read-only mode; otherwise, false. Get or sets the associated value from the collection as a single string. The header name. the associated value from the collection as a single string or null if the key is not present. Throws KeyNotFoundException if the key is not present. The header name. Represents the host portion of a Uri can be used to construct Uri's properly formatted and encoded for use in HTTP headers. Creates a new HostString without modification. The value should be Unicode rather than punycode, and may have a port. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are also allowed, and also may have ports. Returns the value as normalized by ToUriComponent(). Returns the value properly formatted and encoded for use in a URI in a HTTP header. Any Unicode is converted to punycode. IPv6 addresses will have brackets added if they are missing. Creates a new HostString from the given uri component. Any punycode will be converted to Unicode. Creates a new HostString from the host and port of the give Uri instance. Punycode will be converted to Unicode. Compares the equality of the Value property, ignoring case. Compares against the given object only if it is a HostString. Gets a hash code for the value. Compares the two instances for equality. Compares the two instances for inequality. Returns the original value from the constructor. This wraps OWIN environment dictionary and provides strongly typed accessors. Gets a value from the OWIN environment, or returns default(T) if not present. The type of the value. The key of the value to get. The value with the specified key or the default(T) if not present. Sets the given key and value in the OWIN environment. The type of the value. The key of the value to set. The value to set. This instance. Gets a wrapper exposing request specific properties. A wrapper exposing request specific properties. Gets a wrapper exposing response specific properties. A wrapper exposing response specific properties. Gets the OWIN environment. The OWIN environment. Gets or sets the host.TraceOutput environment value. The host.TraceOutput TextWriter. This wraps OWIN environment dictionary and provides strongly typed accessors. Gets a value from the OWIN environment, or returns default(T) if not present. The type of the value. The key of the value to get. The value with the specified key or the default(T) if not present. Sets the given key and value in the OWIN environment. The type of the value. The key of the value to set. The value to set. This instance. Gets the OWIN environment. The OWIN environment. Gets the request context. The request context. Gets or set the HTTP method. The HTTP method. Gets or set the HTTP request scheme from owin.RequestScheme. The HTTP request scheme from owin.RequestScheme. Returns true if the owin.RequestScheme is https. true if this request is using https; otherwise, false. Gets or set the Host header. May include the port. The Host header. Gets or set the owin.RequestPathBase. The owin.RequestPathBase. Gets or set the request path from owin.RequestPath. The request path from owin.RequestPath. Gets or set the query string from owin.RequestQueryString. The query string from owin.RequestQueryString. Gets the query value collection parsed from owin.RequestQueryString. The query value collection parsed from owin.RequestQueryString. Gets the uniform resource identifier (URI) associated with the request. The uniform resource identifier (URI) associated with the request. Gets or set the owin.RequestProtocol. The owin.RequestProtocol. Gets the request headers. The request headers. Gets the collection of Cookies for this request. The collection of Cookies for this request. Gets or sets the Content-Type header. The Content-Type header. Gets or sets the Cache-Control header. The Cache-Control header. Gets or sets the Media-Type header. The Media-Type header. Gets or set the Accept header. The Accept header. Gets or set the owin.RequestBody Stream. The owin.RequestBody Stream. Gets or sets the cancellation token for the request. The cancellation token for the request. Gets or set the server.LocalIpAddress. The server.LocalIpAddress. Gets or set the server.LocalPort. The server.LocalPort. Gets or set the server.RemoteIpAddress. The server.RemoteIpAddress. Gets or set the server.RemotePort. The server.RemotePort. Gets or set the server.User. The server.User. This wraps OWIN environment dictionary and provides strongly typed accessors. Registers for an event that fires when the response headers are sent. The callback method. The callback state. Sets a 302 response status code and the Location header. The location where to redirect the client. Writes the given text to the response body stream using UTF-8. The response data. Writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. Writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. The zero-based byte offset in the parameter at which to begin copying bytes. The number of bytes to write. Asynchronously writes the given text to the response body stream using UTF-8. The response data. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Asynchronously writes the given text to the response body stream using UTF-8. The response data. A token used to indicate cancellation. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Asynchronously writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Asynchronously writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. A token used to indicate cancellation. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Asynchronously writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. The zero-based byte offset in the parameter at which to begin copying bytes. The number of bytes to write. A token used to indicate cancellation. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Gets a value from the OWIN environment, or returns default(T) if not present. The type of the value. The key of the value to get. The value with the specified key or the default(T) if not present. Sets the given key and value in the OWIN environment. The type of the value. The key of the value to set. The value to set. This instance. Gets the OWIN environment. The OWIN environment. Gets the request context. The request context. Gets or sets the optional owin.ResponseStatusCode. The optional owin.ResponseStatusCode, or 200 if not set. Gets or sets the the optional owin.ResponseReasonPhrase. The the optional owin.ResponseReasonPhrase. Gets or sets the owin.ResponseProtocol. The owin.ResponseProtocol. Gets the response header collection. The response header collection. Gets a collection used to manipulate the Set-Cookie header. A collection used to manipulate the Set-Cookie header. Gets or sets the Content-Length header. The Content-Length header. Gets or sets the Content-Type header. The Content-Type header. Gets or sets the Expires header. The Expires header. Gets or sets the E-Tag header. The E-Tag header. Gets or sets the owin.ResponseBody Stream. The owin.ResponseBody Stream. Used to mark which class in an assembly should be used for automatic startup. Initializes a new instance of the class The startup class Initializes a new instance of the class A non-default configuration, e.g. staging. The startup class Initializes a new instance of the class The startup class Specifies which method to call Initializes a new instance of the class A non-default configuration, e.g. staging. The startup class Specifies which method to call A non-default configuration if any. e.g. Staging. The startup class The name of the configuration method An ordered list of known Asp.Net integrated pipeline stages. More details on the ASP.NET integrated pipeline can be found at Corresponds to the AuthenticateRequest stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the PostAuthenticateRequest stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the AuthorizeRequest stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the PostAuthorizeRequest stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the ResolveRequestCache stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the PostResolveRequestCache stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the MapRequestHandler stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the PostMapRequestHandler stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the AcquireRequestState stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the PostAcquireRequestState stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Corresponds to the PreRequestHandlerExecute stage of the ASP.NET integrated pipeline. Extension methods for the MapMiddleware If the request path starts with the given pathMatch, execute the app configured via configuration parameter instead of continuing to the next component in the pipeline. The path to match The branch to take for positive path matches If the request path starts with the given pathMatch, execute the app configured via configuration parameter instead of continuing to the next component in the pipeline. The path to match The branch to take for positive path matches Used to create path based branches in your application pipeline. The owin.RequestPathBase is not included in the evaluation, only owin.RequestPath. Matching paths have the matching piece removed from owin.RequestPath and added to the owin.RequestPathBase. Initializes a new instance of the class The normal pipeline taken for a negative match Process an individual request. Options for the Map middleware The path to match The branch taken for a positive match Extension methods for the MapWhenMiddleware Branches the request pipeline based on the result of the given predicate. Invoked with the request environment to determine if the branch should be taken Configures a branch to take Determines if the request should take a specific branch of the pipeline by passing the environment to a user defined callback. Initializes a new instance of the class The normal application pipeline Process an individual request. Options for the MapWhen middleware The user callback that determines if the branch should be taken The branch taken for a positive match This wraps OWIN environment dictionary and provides strongly typed accessors. Create a new context with only request and response header collections. Create a new wrapper. OWIN environment dictionary which stores state information about the request, response and relevant server state. Gets a value from the OWIN environment, or returns default(T) if not present. The type of the value. The key of the value to get. The value with the specified key or the default(T) if not present. Sets the given key and value in the OWIN environment. The type of the value. The key of the value to set. The value to set. This instance. Gets a wrapper exposing request specific properties. A wrapper exposing request specific properties. Gets a wrapper exposing response specific properties. A wrapper exposing response specific properties. Gets the OWIN environment. The OWIN environment. Gets or sets the host.TraceOutput environment value. The host.TraceOutput TextWriter. Provides correct escaping for Path and PathBase values when needed to reconstruct a request or redirect URI string Represents the empty path. This field is read-only. Initialize the path string with a given value. This value must be in un-escaped format. Use PathString.FromUriComponent(value) if you have a path value which is in an escaped format. The unescaped path to be assigned to the Value property. Provides the path string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation. The escaped path value Provides the path string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation. The escaped path value Returns an PathString given the path as it is escaped in the URI format. The string MUST NOT contain any value that is not a path. The escaped path as it appears in the URI format. The resulting PathString Returns an PathString given the path as from a Uri object. Relative Uri objects are not supported. The Uri object The resulting PathString Checks if this instance starts with or exactly matches the other instance. Only full segments are matched. Checks if this instance starts with or exactly matches the other instance. Only full segments are matched. Any remaining segments from this instance not included in the other instance. Adds two PathString instances into a combined PathString value. The combined PathString value Combines a PathString and QueryString into the joined URI formatted string value. The joined URI formatted string value Compares this PathString value to another value. The default comparison is StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase. The second PathString for comparison. True if both PathString values are equal Compares this PathString value to another value using a specific StringComparison type The second PathString for comparison The StringComparison type to use True if both PathString values are equal Compares this PathString value to another value. The default comparison is StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase. The second PathString for comparison. True if both PathString values are equal Returns the hash code for the PathString value. The hash code is provided by the OrdinalIgnoreCase implementation. The hash code Operator call through to Equals The left parameter The right parameter True if both PathString values are equal Operator call through to Equals The left parameter The right parameter True if both PathString values are not equal Operator call through to Add The left parameter The right parameter The PathString combination of both values Operator call through to Add The left parameter The right parameter The PathString combination of both values The unescaped path value True if the path is not empty Provides correct handling for QueryString value when needed to reconstruct a request or redirect URI string Represents the empty query string. This field is read-only. Initalize the query string with a given value. This value must be in escaped and delimited format without a leading '?' character. The query string to be assigned to the Value property. Initialize a query string with a single given parameter name and value. The value is The unencoded parameter name The unencoded parameter value Provides the query string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation. A leading '?' character will be prepended unless the Value is null or empty. Characters which are potentally dangerous are escaped. The query string value Provides the query string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation. A leading '?' character will be prepended unless the Value is null or empty. Characters which are potentially dangerous are escaped. The query string value Returns an QueryString given the query as it is escaped in the URI format. The string MUST NOT contain any value that is not a query. The escaped query as it appears in the URI format. The resulting QueryString Returns an QueryString given the query as from a Uri object. Relative Uri objects are not supported. The Uri object The resulting QueryString Indicates whether the current instance is equal to the other instance. Indicates whether the current instance is equal to the other instance. Returns the hash code for this instance. Compares the two instances for equality. Compares the two instances for inequality. The unescaped query string without the leading '?' character True if the query string is not empty A wrapper for the request Cookie header Create a new wrapper Returns null rather than throwing KeyNotFoundException A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to Conversion delegate must take one parameter.. Looks up a localized string similar to The type '{0}' does not match any known middleware pattern.. Looks up a localized string similar to The OWIN key 'server.OnSendingHeaders' is not available for this request.. Looks up a localized string similar to The class '{0}' does not have a constructor taking {1} arguments.. Looks up a localized string similar to No conversion available between {0} and {1}.. Looks up a localized string similar to The path must not end with a '/'. Looks up a localized string similar to The path must start with a '/' followed by one or more characters.. Looks up a localized string similar to The path is required. Looks up a localized string similar to The query string must start with a '?' unless null or empty.. A standard implementation of IAppBuilder Initializes a new instance of the the type. Adds a middleware node to the OWIN function pipeline. The middleware are invoked in the order they are added: the first middleware passed to Use will be the outermost function, and the last middleware passed to Use will be the innermost. The middleware parameter determines which behavior is being chained into the pipeline. If the middleware given to Use is a Delegate, then it will be invoked with the "next app" in the chain as the first parameter. If the delegate takes more than the single argument, then the additional values must be provided to Use in the args array. If the middleware given to Use is a Type, then the public constructor will be invoked with the "next app" in the chain as the first parameter. The resulting object must have a public Invoke method. If the object has constructors which take more than the single "next app" argument, then additional values may be provided in the args array. Any additional args passed to Use will be passed as additional values, following the "next app" parameter, when the OWIN call pipeline is build. They are passed as additional parameters if the middleware parameter is a Delegate, or as additional constructor arguments if the middle parameter is a Type. The IAppBuilder itself is returned. This enables you to chain your use statements together. The New method creates a new instance of an IAppBuilder. This is needed to create a tree structure in your processing, rather than a linear pipeline. The new instance share the same Properties, but will be created with a new, empty middleware list. To create a tangent pipeline you would first call New, followed by several calls to Use on the new builder, ending with a call to Build on the new builder. The return value from Build will be the entry-point to your tangent pipeline. This entry-point may now be added to the main pipeline as an argument to a switching middleware, which will either call the tangent pipeline or the "next app", based on something in the request. That said - all of that work is typically hidden by a middleware like Map, which will do that for you. The new instance of the IAppBuilder implementation The Build is called at the point when all of the middleware should be chained together. This is typically done by the hosting component which created the app builder, and does not need to be called by the startup method if the IAppBuilder is passed in. The Type argument indicates which calling convention should be returned, and is typically typeof() for the OWIN calling convention. Returns an instance of the pipeline's entry point. This object may be safely cast to the type which was provided Contains arbitrary properties which may added, examined, and modified by components during the startup sequence. Returns . Simple object used by AppBuilder as seed OWIN callable if the builder.Properties["builder.DefaultApp"] is not set Abstracts the system clock to facilitate testing. Retrieves the current system time in UTC. Provides access to the normal system clock. Retrieves the current system time in UTC. Response generation utilities. Append the given query to the uri. The base uri. The query string to append, if any. The combine result. Append the given query key and value to the uri. The base uri. The name of the query key. The query value. The combine result. Append the given query keys and values to the uri. The base uri. A collection of name value query pairs to append. The combine result. A wrapper for the response Set-Cookie header Create a new wrapper Add a new cookie and value Add a new cookie Sets an expired cookie Sets an expired cookie Extension methods used to indicate at which stage in the integrated pipeline prior middleware should run. Call after other middleware to specify when they should run in the integrated pipeline. The IAppBuilder. The name of the integrated pipeline in which to run. The original IAppBuilder for chaining. Call after other middleware to specify when they should run in the integrated pipeline. The IAppBuilder. The stage of the integrated pipeline in which to run. The original IAppBuilder for chaining. Logging extension methods for IAppBuilder. Sets the server.LoggerFactory in the Properties collection. Retrieves the server.LoggerFactory from the Properties collection. Creates a new ILogger instance from the server.LoggerFactory in the Properties collection. Creates a new ILogger instance from the server.LoggerFactory in the Properties collection. Creates a new ILogger instance from the server.LoggerFactory in the Properties collection. Used to create logger instances of the given name. Creates a new ILogger instance of the given name. A generic interface for logging. Aggregates most logging patterns to a single method. This must be compatible with the Func representation in the OWIN environment. To check IsEnabled call WriteCore with only TraceEventType and check the return value, no event will be written. Contains the parts of an address. Initializes a new instance. Initializes a new with the given parts. The scheme. The host. The port. The path. Creates a new A new Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. The other object. true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. The other object. true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code for this instance. Determines whether two specified instances of are equal. The first object to compare. The second object to compare. true if left and right represent the same address; otherwise, false. Determines whether two specified instances of are not equal. The first object to compare. The second object to compare. true if left and right do not represent the same address; otherwise, false. Gets a specified key and value from the underlying dictionary. The key. Sets a specified key and value in the underlying dictionary. The key. The value. Gets the internal dictionary for this collection. The internal dictionary for this collection. The uri scheme. The uri host. The uri port. The uri path. Wraps the host.Addresses list. Initializes a new instance of the class. The address list to set to the collection. Adds the specified address to the collection. The address to add to the collection. Gets the enumerator that iterates through the collection. The enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets the enumerator that iterates through the collection. The enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. Creates a new empty instance of . A new empty instance of . Determines whether the current collection is equal to the specified collection. The other collection to compare to the current collection. true if current collection is equal to the specified collection; otherwise, false. Determines whether the current collection is equal to the specified object. The object to compare to the current collection. true if current collection is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false. Gets the hash code for this instance. The hash code for this instance. Determines whether the first collection is equal to the second collection. The first collection to compare. The second collection to compare. true if both collections are equal; otherwise, false. Determines whether the first collection is not equal to the second collection. The first collection to compare. The second collection to compare. true if both collections are not equal; otherwise, false. Gets the underlying address list. The underlying address list. Gets the number of elements in the collection. The number of elements in the collection. Gets the item with the specified index from the collection. The index. The item with the specified index. A wrapper for the IDictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines whether the current AppProperties is equal to the specified AppProperties. The other AppProperties to compare with the current instance. true if the current AppProperties is equal to the specified AppProperties; otherwise, false. Determines whether the current AppProperties is equal to the specified object. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current AppProperties is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code for this instance. Determines whether the first AppPProperties is equal to the second AppProperties. The first AppPropeties to compare. The second AppPropeties to compare. true if both AppProperties are equal; otherwise, false. Determines whether the first AppPProperties is not equal to the second AppProperties. The first AppPropeties to compare. The second AppPropeties to compare. true if both AppProperties are not equal; otherwise, false. Gets the value from the dictionary with the specified key. The type of the value. The key of the value to get. The value with the specified key. Sets the value with the specified key. The key of the value to set. The value to set. This instance. Gets or sets the string value for “owin.Version”. The string value for “owin.Version”. Gets or sets the function delegate for “builder.DefaultApp”. The function delegate for “builder.DefaultApp”. Gets or sets the action delegate for “builder.AddSignatureConversion”. The action delegate for “builder.AddSignatureConversion”. Gets or sets the string value for “host.AppName”. The string value for “host.AppName”. Gets or sets the text writer for “host.TraceOutput”. The text writer for “host.TraceOutput”. Gets or sets the cancellation token for “host.OnAppDisposing”. The cancellation token for “host.OnAppDisposing”. Gets or sets the address collection for “host.Addresses”. The address collection for “host.Addresses”. Gets or sets the list of “server.Capabilities”. The list of “server.Capabilities”. Gets the underlying dictionary for this instance. The underlying dictionary for this instance. Represents the capabilities for the builder properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A new instance of the class. Determines whether the current Capabilities instance is equal to the specified Capabilities. The other Capabilities to compare with the current instance. true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. Determines whether the current Capabilities is equal to the specified object. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current Capabilities is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code for this instance. Determines whether two specified instances of are equal. The first object to compare. The second object to compare. true if the two specified instances of are equal; otherwise, false. Determines whether two specified instances of are not equal. The first object to compare. The second object to compare. true if the two specified instances of are not equal; otherwise, false. Gets the value from the dictionary with the specified key. The type of the value. The key of the value to get. The value with the specified key. Sets the given key and value in the underlying dictionary. The key of the value to set. The value to set. This instance. The underling IDictionary Gets or sets the string value for "sendfile.Version" the string value for "sendfile.Version" Gets or sets the websocket version. The websocket version. Options used to create a new cookie. Creates a default cookie with a path of '/'. Gets or sets the domain to associate the cookie with. The domain to associate the cookie with. Gets or sets the cookie path. The cookie path. Gets or sets the expiration date and time for the cookie. The expiration date and time for the cookie. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to transmit the cookie using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)—that is, over HTTPS only. true to transmit the cookie only over an SSL connection (HTTPS); otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a cookie is accessible by client-side script. true if a cookie is accessible by client-side script; otherwise, false. Provides a default ILoggerFactory. Provides a default ILoggerFactory based on System.Diagnostics.TraceSorce. Extension methods for IAppBuilder. The Build is called at the point when all of the middleware should be chained together. May be called to build pipeline branches. The request processing entry point for this section of the pipeline. The Build is called at the point when all of the middleware should be chained together. May be called to build pipeline branches. The application signature. The request processing entry point for this section of the pipeline. Adds converters for adapting between disparate application signatures. Adds converters for adapting between disparate application signatures. Converts between an OwinMiddlware and an . Transitions between and OwinMiddleware. OWIN environment dictionary which stores state information about the request, response and relevant server state. Adds adapters between and OwinMiddleware. Adds adapters between and OwinMiddleware. This wraps OWIN environment dictionary and provides strongly typed accessors. Create a new context with only request and response header collections. Create a new environment wrapper exposing request properties. OWIN environment dictionary which stores state information about the request, response and relevant server state. Gets a value from the OWIN environment, or returns default(T) if not present. The type of the value. The key of the value to get. The value with the specified key or the default(T) if not present. Sets the given key and value in the OWIN environment. The type of the value. The key of the value to set. The value to set. This instance. Gets the OWIN environment. The OWIN environment. Gets the request context. The request context. Gets or set the HTTP method. The HTTP method. Gets or set the HTTP request scheme from owin.RequestScheme. The HTTP request scheme from owin.RequestScheme. Returns true if the owin.RequestScheme is https. true if this request is using https; otherwise, false. Gets or set the Host header. May include the port. The Host header. Gets or set the owin.RequestPathBase. The owin.RequestPathBase. Gets or set the request path from owin.RequestPath. The request path from owin.RequestPath. Gets or set the query string from owin.RequestQueryString. The query string from owin.RequestQueryString. Gets the query value collection parsed from owin.RequestQueryString. The query value collection parsed from owin.RequestQueryString. Gets the uniform resource identifier (URI) associated with the request. The uniform resource identifier (URI) associated with the request. Gets or set the owin.RequestProtocol. The owin.RequestProtocol. Gets the request headers. The request headers. Gets the collection of Cookies for this request. The collection of Cookies for this request. Gets or sets the Content-Type header. The Content-Type header. Gets or sets the Cache-Control header. The Cache-Control header. Gets or sets the Media-Type header. The Media-Type header. Gets or set the Accept header. The Accept header. Gets or set the owin.RequestBody Stream. The owin.RequestBody Stream. Gets or sets the cancellation token for the request. The cancellation token for the request. Gets or set the server.LocalIpAddress. The server.LocalIpAddress. Gets or set the server.LocalPort. The server.LocalPort. Gets or set the server.RemoteIpAddress. The server.RemoteIpAddress. Gets or set the server.RemotePort. The server.RemotePort. Gets or set the server.User. The server.User. This wraps OWIN environment dictionary and provides strongly typed accessors. Create a new context with only request and response header collections. Creates a new environment wrapper exposing response properties. OWIN environment dictionary which stores state information about the request, response and relevant server state. Registers for an event that fires when the response headers are sent. The callback method. The callback state. Sets a 302 response status code and the Location header. The location where to redirect the client. Writes the given text to the response body stream using UTF-8. The response data. Writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. Writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. The zero-based byte offset in the parameter at which to begin copying bytes. The number of bytes to write. Asynchronously writes the given text to the response body stream using UTF-8. The response data. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Asynchronously writes the given text to the response body stream using UTF-8. The response data. A token used to indicate cancellation. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Asynchronously writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Asynchronously writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. A token used to indicate cancellation. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Asynchronously writes the given bytes to the response body stream. The response data. The zero-based byte offset in the parameter at which to begin copying bytes. The number of bytes to write. A token used to indicate cancellation. A Task tracking the state of the write operation. Gets a value from the OWIN environment, or returns default(T) if not present. The type of the value. The key of the value to get. The value with the specified key or the default(T) if not present. Sets the given key and value in the OWIN environment. The type of the value. The key of the value to set. The value to set. This instance. Gets the OWIN environment. The OWIN environment. Gets the request context. The request context. Gets or sets the optional owin.ResponseStatusCode. The optional owin.ResponseStatusCode, or 200 if not set. Gets or sets the the optional owin.ResponseReasonPhrase. The the optional owin.ResponseReasonPhrase. Gets or sets the owin.ResponseProtocol. The owin.ResponseProtocol. Gets the response header collection. The response header collection. Gets a collection used to manipulate the Set-Cookie header. A collection used to manipulate the Set-Cookie header. Gets or sets the Content-Length header. The Content-Length header. Gets or sets the Content-Type header. The Content-Type header. Gets or sets the Expires header. The Expires header. Gets or sets the E-Tag header. The E-Tag header. Gets or sets the owin.ResponseBody Stream. The owin.ResponseBody Stream. Provides an ILoggerFactory based on System.Diagnostics.TraceSource. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a factory named "Microsoft.Owin". Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new DiagnosticsLogger for the given component name. ILogger extension methods for common scenarios. Checks if the given TraceEventType is enabled. Writes a verbose log message. Writes an informational log message. Writes a warning log message. Writes a warning log message. Writes an error log message. Writes an error log message. Writes a critical log message. Writes a critical log message.