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10 years ago
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>WebMatrix.Data</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:WebMatrix.Data.ConnectionEventArgs">
  8. <summary>Provides data for the <see cref="E:WebMatrix.Data.Database.ConnectionOpened" /> event of the <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.Database" /> class.</summary>
  9. </member>
  10. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.ConnectionEventArgs.#ctor(System.Data.Common.DbConnection)">
  11. <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.ConnectionEventArgs" /> class.</summary>
  12. <param name="connection">The connection that is associated with the event.</param>
  13. </member>
  14. <member name="P:WebMatrix.Data.ConnectionEventArgs.Connection">
  15. <summary>Gets the connection that is associated with the event.</summary>
  16. <returns>The connection that was opened.</returns>
  17. </member>
  18. <member name="T:WebMatrix.Data.Database">
  19. <summary>Provides methods and properties that are used to access and manage data that is stored in a database.</summary>
  20. </member>
  21. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.Close">
  22. <summary>Closes an open database.</summary>
  23. </member>
  24. <member name="P:WebMatrix.Data.Database.Connection">
  25. <summary>Gets the current connection to a database.</summary>
  26. <returns>The connection.</returns>
  27. </member>
  28. <member name="E:WebMatrix.Data.Database.ConnectionOpened">
  29. <summary>Occurs when a new database connection is opened by a <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.Database" /> instance.</summary>
  30. </member>
  31. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.Dispose">
  32. <summary>Releases all resources used by a <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.Database" /> instance.</summary>
  33. </member>
  34. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
  35. <summary>Releases the unmanaged resources used by a <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.Database" /> instance and optionally releases the managed resources.</summary>
  36. <param name="disposing">true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.</param>
  37. </member>
  38. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.Execute(System.String,System.Object[])">
  39. <summary>Executes a non-query SQL statement.</summary>
  40. <returns>The count of records affected by the SQL statement.</returns>
  41. <param name="commandText">The SQL statement to execute.</param>
  42. <param name="args">(Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL statement.</param>
  43. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  44. <paramref name="commandText" /> is null or empty.</exception>
  45. </member>
  46. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.GetLastInsertId">
  47. <summary>Returns the identity column of the most recently inserted row.</summary>
  48. <returns>The ID of the most recently inserted row.</returns>
  49. </member>
  50. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.Open(System.String)">
  51. <summary>Opens a connection to a database using the specified file name or using the named connection string.</summary>
  52. <returns>The database instance.</returns>
  53. <param name="name">The name associated with the database to open. <paramref name="name" /> can specify an .sdf or .mdf database file that is in the App_Data folder. (Do not include the file-name extension.) Alternatively, <paramref name="name" /> can specify the name of a connection string in the Web.config file.</param>
  54. </member>
  55. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.OpenConnectionString(System.String)">
  56. <summary>Opens a connection to a database using the specified connection string.</summary>
  57. <returns>The database instance.</returns>
  58. <param name="connectionString">The connection string that contains information that is used to connect to a database.</param>
  59. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  60. <paramref name="connectionString" /> is null or empty.</exception>
  61. </member>
  62. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.OpenConnectionString(System.String,System.String)">
  63. <summary>Opens a connection to a database using a connection string and the specified provider.</summary>
  64. <returns>The database instance.</returns>
  65. <param name="connectionString">The connection string that contains information that is used to connect to a database.</param>
  66. <param name="providerName">(Optional) The name of the .NET Framework data provider to use to connect to the data source.</param>
  67. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  68. <paramref name="connectionString" /> is null or empty.</exception>
  69. </member>
  70. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.Query(System.String,System.Object[])">
  71. <summary>Executes a SQL query that returns a list of rows as the result.</summary>
  72. <returns>The rows returned by the SQL query.</returns>
  73. <param name="commandText">The SQL query to execute.</param>
  74. <param name="parameters">(Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL query.</param>
  75. </member>
  76. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.QuerySingle(System.String,System.Object[])">
  77. <summary>Executes a SQL query that returns a single row as the result.</summary>
  78. <returns>The single row returned by the SQL query.</returns>
  79. <param name="commandText">The SQL query to execute.</param>
  80. <param name="args">(Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL query.</param>
  81. </member>
  82. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.Database.QueryValue(System.String,System.Object[])">
  83. <summary>Executes a SQL query that returns a single scalar value as the result.</summary>
  84. <returns>The scalar value returned by the SQL query.</returns>
  85. <param name="commandText">The SQL query to execute.</param>
  86. <param name="args">(Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL query.</param>
  87. </member>
  88. <member name="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord">
  89. <summary>Represents a data record by using a custom type descriptor and the capabilities of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).</summary>
  90. </member>
  91. <member name="P:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.Columns">
  92. <summary>Returns a list that contains the name of each column in the <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord" /> instance.</summary>
  93. <returns>A list that contains the name of each column.</returns>
  94. </member>
  95. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.GetDynamicMemberNames">
  96. <summary>Returns a list that contains the name of all dynamic members of the <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord" /> instance.</summary>
  97. <returns>A list that contains the name of every dynamic member.</returns>
  98. </member>
  99. <member name="P:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.Item(System.Int32)">
  100. <summary>Returns the value of a column in the <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord" /> instance using the specified index.</summary>
  101. <returns>The value of the specified column.</returns>
  102. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the column that contains the value to return.</param>
  103. </member>
  104. <member name="P:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.Item(System.String)">
  105. <summary>Returns the value of a column in the <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord" /> instance using the specified name.</summary>
  106. <returns>The value of the specified column.</returns>
  107. <param name="name">The name of the column that contains the value to return. Name matching is case-insensitive.</param>
  108. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord" /> instance does not contain a column whose name is a case-insensitive match with the specified name.</exception>
  109. </member>
  110. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetAttributes">
  111. <summary>Returns a list of custom attributes for this instance of a component.</summary>
  112. <returns>
  113. <see cref="P:System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection.Empty" /> in all cases.</returns>
  114. </member>
  115. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetClassName">
  116. <summary>Returns the class name for this instance of a component.</summary>
  117. <returns>null in all cases.</returns>
  118. </member>
  119. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetComponentName">
  120. <summary>Returns the name for this instance of a component.</summary>
  121. <returns>null in all cases.</returns>
  122. </member>
  123. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetConverter">
  124. <summary>Returns the type converter for this instance of a component.</summary>
  125. <returns>null in all cases.</returns>
  126. </member>
  127. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetDefaultEvent">
  128. <summary>Returns the default event for this instance of a component.</summary>
  129. <returns>null in all cases.</returns>
  130. </member>
  131. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetDefaultProperty">
  132. <summary>Returns the default property for this instance of a component.</summary>
  133. <returns>null in all cases.</returns>
  134. </member>
  135. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetEditor(System.Type)">
  136. <summary>Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component.</summary>
  137. <returns>null in all cases.</returns>
  138. <param name="editorBaseType">The editor for this object. The value of this parameter is ignored by this implementation and does not affect the outcome of this method.</param>
  139. </member>
  140. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetEvents">
  141. <summary>Returns the events for this instance of a component.</summary>
  142. <returns>
  143. <see cref="P:System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Empty" /> in all cases.</returns>
  144. </member>
  145. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetEvents(System.Attribute[])">
  146. <summary>Returns the events for this instance of a component by using the specified filter.</summary>
  147. <returns>
  148. <see cref="P:System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Empty" /> in all cases.</returns>
  149. <param name="attributes">An array that is used as a filter. The value of this parameter is ignored by this implementation and does not affect the outcome of this method.</param>
  150. </member>
  151. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetProperties">
  152. <summary>Returns the properties for this instance of a component.</summary>
  153. <returns>A collection that represents the properties for this component instance.</returns>
  154. </member>
  155. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetProperties(System.Attribute[])">
  156. <summary>Returns the properties for this instance of a component by using the specified filter.</summary>
  157. <returns>A collection that represents the properties for this component instance.</returns>
  158. <param name="attributes">An array that is used as a filter. The value of this parameter is ignored by this implementation and does not affect the outcome of this method.</param>
  159. </member>
  160. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.System#ComponentModel#ICustomTypeDescriptor#GetPropertyOwner(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor)">
  161. <summary>Returns the object that contains the specified property.</summary>
  162. <returns>This <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord" /> instance.</returns>
  163. <param name="pd">The property to get the owner of.</param>
  164. </member>
  165. <member name="M:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord.TryGetMember(System.Dynamic.GetMemberBinder,System.Object@)">
  166. <summary>Gets the value of a <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord" /> member using the specified name.</summary>
  167. <returns>true in all cases.</returns>
  168. <param name="binder">Provides information about the get operation.</param>
  169. <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the value of the member, which can be null. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
  170. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="T:WebMatrix.Data.DynamicRecord" /> instance does not contain a member whose name is a case-insensitive match with the name that is specified by the <paramref name="binder" /> parameter.</exception>
  171. </member>
  172. </members>
  173. </doc>